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Deadly Cholera Outbreak in Lagos Traced to Unapproved Nutri-Tiger Beverage


Dr. Kemi Ogunyemi, Special Adviser to the Lagos State Governor on Health, has revealed that the recent cholera epidemic in Lagos, which began on June 10 and 11, 2024, has been traced to an unregistered tiger nut drink. The outbreak has significantly impacted several local government areas, including Lagos Island, Eti-Osa, and Kosofe, with the highest number of cases reported in hospitals.

The cholera outbreak has rapidly spread across various districts in Lagos, with a notable surge in cases in the Eti-Osa Local Government Area. The common factor among those affected was the consumption of a tiger nut drink that was not registered with the appropriate regulatory authorities.

Dr. Ogunyemi stated that all patients admitted to hospitals with cholera symptoms had consumed the unregistered tiger nut drink. Efforts to trace the source of the drink have been challenging due to the lack of registration and the inaccessibility of the contact number on the product’s bottle. The investigation involves collecting samples and conducting contact tracing, similar to the strategies used during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Further examination of stool samples from affected individuals confirmed the presence of Vibrio cholerae subtype 01, the most infectious and severe strain of cholera. This strain is known for its high transmissibility and aggressive nature. Additionally, water samples were tested to rule out other potential sources of contamination, as cholera is also water-borne.

The Lagos State Government, in collaboration with various health organizations, is actively monitoring and managing the situation. Public health campaigns have been intensified to raise awareness about hygiene practices, such as regular handwashing and ensuring that consumable goods are registered with appropriate government agencies.

Dr. Ogunyemi urged the public to adhere to hygiene regulations and verify that products purchased for consumption are registered with the relevant authorities. She emphasized the importance of boiling water before drinking and maintaining clean environments to prevent further spread of the disease. The government has also halted the sale of tiger nut drinks in affected areas to contain the outbreak.

The cholera outbreak has disrupted daily life in Lagos and has spread beyond the state due to travel. Health organizations continue to monitor the situation closely, providing support to Lagos and other affected areas to mitigate the impact of the epidemic.